St. James' Episcopal Church
7640 Glenwood Avenue, Boardman OH 44512
Holy Eucharist Sunday 10 a.m.
Facebook Live Replay click HERE
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 2 - 4pm
For immediate help call Mother Mo 330-280-6250

Veronica B. Ceraolo
Music Director
The Rev. John Wigle
Retired Priest Associate

Our Knitters for Veterans Group has made and donated 348 shawls to the Cleveland Veterans Hospital.

Several members volunteer their time caring for shelter animals.

Over 60 Easter baskets assembled and donated to Mahoning County Children's Services.

Thirty-five backpacks filled with school supplies for children in foster care Mahoning County.
We love connecting to our community through a variety of outreach efforts. Members of St. James' donate generously their time, talent, and treasure to several organizations in our area.
Aluminum Tabs for Ronald McDonald House and Akron Children's Hospital
On the pew by the door in the Narthex you will see a clear container for aluminum pull tabs. We will collect these for the Ronald McDonald House. The tabs are re-cycled and funds used to support their day-to-day operations.
Handmade Cards by Sharyn
All occasion cards are available in the parlor. 100% of proceeds benefit Yellow Brick Place and the Silver Lining Cancer Fund. There is a pink donation box next to the cards (suggested donation $3/card). If you need a card for a special occasion, talk to Sharyn.
James Lee Hanson & John Lee Hanson (twins) Memorial Fund
John Hanson creates beautiful wooden toys--trucks, Jeeps, etc.--for sale. One half of the proceeds covers the cost of materials. The other half is designated to the James Lee Hanson & John Lee Hanson (twins) Memorial Fund for St. James' outreach. If you would like to buy a toy or contribute an item for our preschool children, please talk with John.
Knitters for Veterans
The Knitters have been busy! The latest batch of shawls was blessed by Mother Mo on October 29 and have since been transported to the Veterans Hospital in Cleveland. The knitters will not meet in December but will reconvene on Tuesday, January 23 at 1 p.m. And, if you would like to be part of this Ministry, call Ann Sitler.
Plastic Lids Outreach
We are continuing to collect plastic lids, bottle tops, etc., for recycling projects. Thanks for your help and dedication to this effort.
Bridge of Hope Pantry
Our neighbor, Bridge of Hope Church's, PAY IT FORWARD food pantry is being used quite a bit. If you are out and about, you might want to drop off some items such as nonperishable food items, personal care items and household cleaning products.